Keep track of the good things in your life and business
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Get the 30-Day Gratitude Journal for Christian Entrepreneurs and
start living a life of thanksgiving!

Regularly $17- Get the journal for just $9 when you buy at the intro price!
As a business owner, it's so easy to get discouraged and miss all the things that are going right in your business. Yes, a lot of things are going right if you take the time to look.
I know how frustrating it is when you are doing everything you can to grow your business yet nothing seems to be working. There are lots of things that can and will go wrong in your business but that doesn't mean you should lose your joy or forget to count your blessings.
Christian Entrepreneurs Know That In All Things We Give Thanks
First, know this, there's no shame in feeling discouraged or sad when things aren't going well in your business.
Ask anyone who has been in business and gone through some tough times, and many will tell you they have
thought of quitting many times.
But, here's what Christian entrepreneurs do, they look upwards and remind themselves of God's goodness. They count their blessings and focus on the goodness of the Lord.
Then they go come up with a plan and go to work!
That's what the 30-day gratitude journal is all about. It's about helping you focus on the good things in your business, so you are not consumed by negativity when things go wrong.
This is How to Live a Life of Gratitude
A heart of gratitude doesn't come from perfect circumstances, it comes from knowing that no matter how bad things appear to be, it's not that bad and there's always something to be grateful for.
The 30-day Gratitude Journal for Christian Entrepreneurs is here to help you stay focused on the good things that are happening in your business and life, so you can cultivate a heart of gratitude.
This journal is available today for just
Take a Look at What is Inside The Gratitude Journal

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