Simple ways to find alone time for God as a busy Christian work from home mom
As a Christian, you know the importance of spending time with God, but for busy work at home moms, finding the time to be alone with God can be a big challenge. So what’s a mama supposed to do?
How do you stay on top of your work, keep your kids happy, and your home running smoothly without neglecting to feed your soul?
Well, first, I want you to know you are not alone and lots of Christian work at home moms are facing the same challenge. The good thing is that you know you need time with God, now, all you need is to come up with a plan to make it a reality.
So let’s look at some simple ways for you to find time for God no matter how busy you are.
Simple Ways For Christian Work at Home Moms to Find Time for God
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
Unfortunately, good intentions aren’t always enough. It doesn’t matter how many times you say you need to spend time with God if you don’t actually follow through.
If you’re struggling to pray or fellowship with God every day, maybe it’s because it’s really not that important to you. What I have discovered is that we can always make time for things that are truly important.
Now, I am not trying to make you feel guilty but at the same time, you can’t change if you refuse to accept responsibility or continue to live in denial. So if having a daily quiet time with God is really important to you, then start by making it a priority.
When something is a priority, it means it gets done before everything else or it gets done no matter what Even if you have to schedule it or block out that time on your calendar every day, then that’s what you need to do.
There are days when nothing seems to work and I am left feeling frazzled and unproductive. I have come to realize those days are usually days when I didn’t stop to draw strength from God. Praying and reading the Bible helps me to stay calm, peaceful, and focused no matter what’s going on around me.
So I really encourage you to make spending time with God a daily habit or practice for you no matter how busy your life or work gets.
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“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16)
One of the things that have helped me the most as a busy Christian work at home mom is staying organized and practicing good time management.
If you ask some Christian work at home moms why they don’t spend time with God, I am pretty sure many of them would say it’s because they don’t have the time. I truly believe that.
Time management is a big problem for lots of moms and it’s no different for work from home moms. That’s why organizing your day and life and developing good time management skills is the only way to get everything (or almost everything) done.
Take a look around you. Are you putting your time to good use? Do you practice good time management? Are you engaged in activities that add no real value to your life? How organized are you?
If the answers to these questions aren’t what they should be, you know you need to start doing things differently. If your reason for not having a daily quiet time is because you don’t have enough time, you probably aren’t too organized or spending your time wisely.
Make a plan to change how you spend your day so you can free up some time to spend with the Lord. You need it to stay fresh, peaceful, and joyful.
What do you think is better? Planning to spend an hour with God and not doing it or just spending five or ten minutes because that’s all you can find? I think you’ll agree spending five or ten minutes is more beneficial.
Action always trumps intention. Remember that.
Instead of waiting until you have a lot of time before you can have alone time with the Lord, I would like you to start thinking small. Start using those small chunks of time whenever you have them.
Do you have a spare five minutes in the morning before your kids wake up? You can read some Bible verses at that time. How about when you’re waiting for your coffee? You can say a quick prayer while you wait! If you think about it, you can actually find small pockets of time each day you can use for some quick fellowship with God.
Now, I know there are times when you need to really spend quality time with God, but those times need to be planned for. However, instead of going days or weeks without praying or studying the Bible, it’s better to use the small chunks of time you have each day.
So start thinking small and stop making excuses. Five minutes of praying now is better than your plan to pray for thirty minutes after the kids are in bed (especially if you won’t follow through).
The Christian life is a life of worship and sacrifice. Like I said at the beginning, if you really believe it’s important to have a quiet time, you will make it a priority.
There are times when having a quiet time will involve making some sacrifices. Here’s what I mean.
Perhaps instead of waking up at 6 am, you can choose to wake up at 5.30 or 5.45 am so you can read your devotional and pray before the rest of your family wakes up. Or maybe you can go to bed later than you normally do, give up your favorite TV show, spend less time on social media, or something like that.
What you’re willing to sacrifice depends on you but if that’s the only way you can carve out some time, then you may have to consider it. So think about what you are willing to give up and what changes you can make to your life. Trust me, this is one sacrifice that’s truly worth it.
We all have our routines and schedules. We like to do things in a certain way or in a certain order and that’s a good thing a lot of the time. However, don’t be such a stickler that you forget what’s truly important.
For example, while it’s good to have a dedicated and quiet spot for praying and reading the Bible, that may not be realistic right now or every day. So instead of being legalistic or beating yourself up, learn to relax and be flexible.
God is everywhere. He can hear you from anywhere and at any time, so don’t worry too much about going through the same routine every day or reading a certain number of scriptures or devotionals, or praying for a certain length of time.
Don’t feel like if you don’t do things a certain way, then it’s worthless or has no impact.
When I learned to relax and just go with the flow, my spiritual life got better and more enjoyable. It no longer felt forced or legalistic. Allow yourself to just be. You are not in competition with anyone else. Just enjoy fellowshipping with God any moment you can and let things flow naturally.
I like to keep my Bible and devotionals close to me so I can easily grab them when I need to. While I like kindle and have a Bible and some devotionals on kindle, I still prefer holding a book in my hands.
Have your Bible and other materials close to you so you don’t waste time searching for them when you have some free time. This all ties in with being organized and spending your time wisely.
You can put your Bible study materials in a small bag like this one or this cute pink Bible Study organizer. Something you can easily carry around with you or move from room to room.
Having your Bible, devotionals, or journals at hand can be very useful when you find yourself with small chunks of time throughout the day. This trick works very well for me especially when my kids were younger.
So why not give it a try?
What you feed your soul is as important (or more important) as what you feed your body.
There’s so much material out there it can be challenging to sift through the noise or filter out things that are not good for you. I won’t presume to tell you what is good for you, but I want to encourage you to be discerning and to shun resources that contradict the Bible.
Study the Bible for yourself and understand what it says. Look for some pastors and preachers who are committed to the truth and learn from them.
There are far too many false teachers for my liking but my job is to separate the wheat from the chaff. I don’t listen to anything that’s contrary to the word of God no matter how nice it sounds or how pretty it’s packaged. I encourage you to do the same.
Don’t waste your time consuming the wrong information or materials.
To give you an idea of the kinds of things I read and like, here is a small list of some of my favorite Christian resources.
- The Valley of Vision
- ESV Study Bible
- My Utmost For His Highest
- The Knowledge of The Holy
- Complete Works of E. M. Bounds on Prayer
- Prayer Journal for Women: 52 Week Scripture, Devotional & Guided Prayer Journal
Final Thoughts on How to Find Time for God: 7 Tips for Christian Work at Home Moms
Finding time to spend with God can be challenging for Christian work at home moms but it can be done with a little bit of planning and creativity.
I have given you seven tips in this post to help you come up with some ideas for finding alone time with the Lord. Hopefully, these tips will help you to get your prayer and spiritual life where you want it to be and will help you to enjoy time in God’s presence.
Feeding your soul with the right resources and fellowshipping with God will make a big difference to your day and your life in general.
Are you a Christian work from home mom? Do you struggle to find alone time with God?
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How to Find Time for God: 7 Tips for Christian Work at Home Moms